Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [1997]

128 Kbps/65 Mb Aprox.

Track 01 - "Metamorposis 1" (Transformation No. 1) Video intro.
Track 02 - "Prologue" Richter's battle with Drac.
Track 03 - "Dance of Illusions" (Illusionary Dance) Dracula Battle
Track 04 - "Moonlight Nocturne" (Symphony of the Night) Intro story.
Track 05 - "Prayer" Save game screen.
Track 06 - "Dracula's Castle" Entrance.
Track 07 - "Dance of Gold" (Golden Dance) Alchemy Lab.
Track 08 - "Marble Gallery" (Marble Corridor) Marble Gallery
Track 09 - "Tower of Mist" (Tower of Evil Fog) Outer Wall
Track 10 - "Nocturne" (Not used)
Track 11 - "Wood Carving Partita" Long Library
Track 12 - "Door of Holy Spirits" (Gate of Spirits)
Track 13 - "Festival of Servants" (Our Festival) Boss theme #1
Track 14 - "Land of Benediction" (Resting Place) Game over.
Track 15 - "Requiem For The Gods" Chapel
Track 16 - "Crystal Teardrops" (Crystal Drops) Underground Caverns
Track 17 - "Abandoned Pit" (Path Of The Departed) Abandoned Mines
Track 18 - "Rainbow Cemetery" Catacombs
Track 19 - "Silence" (Stillness)
Track 20 - "Lost Painting" Inverted Library (and others)
Track 21 - "Dance of Pales" (Pale Dancing Song) Olrox's Quarters
Track 22 - "Curse Zone" (Cursed Holy Castle) Inverted Catacombs (and others)
Track 23 - "Enchanted Banquet" (Evil Banquet) Succubus Fight Theme
Track 24 - "Wandering Ghosts" (Awakened Soul) Colliseum
Track 25 - "The Tragic Prince" (Young Nobleman of Sadness) Clock Tower
Track 26 - "The Door to the Abyss" (Through the Gate, Over the Deep Edge)
Track 27 - "Heavenly Doorway" (Through The Gate, Into The World Of Heaven) Castle Keep
Track 28 - "Death Ballad" (The Poetic Melody of Death) Boss Theme #2
Track 29 - "Blood Relations" (Strange Bloodline) Fight with Richter
Track 30 - "Metamorphosis 2" (Transformation No. 2) Inverted Castle video
Track 31 - "Final Toccata" Invert Marble Gallery (and others)
Track 32 - "Black Banquet" (Black Feast) Final Battle
Track 33 - "Metamorphosis 3" (Transformation No. 3) Destruction of Castle video
Track 34 - "I am the Wind" Final song